Sunday, November 30, 2008

I lost 205 pounds

I lost 205 pounds and I really don't feel like celebrating. I now know that there is no advantage to holding on to him, other than being there when he needs me. It seems being needed has always filled my voids and gaps in my own happiness or fulfillment.

For years I opened my heart and my home to those whom could not care for themselves; family matriarchs, and lost children. For the first time in ten years I have no one to shelter or raise. In hindsight i should have continued spending the time on myself.

Taking care of myself carried me to Brazil, Argentina, Egypt and Dubai within a year. I traveled alone but never found myself lonely. It was here back in the states that I thought I found something else, but in reality it was simply being needed.

I am just amazed as to how long it took for me to realize, or perhaps accept, that I freed myself from a life of sacrifice, to my own detriment, only to gleefully enter into another situation. It is difficult to see what someone asks of you when your hands and heart are always giving. This is where my learning begins again.

I've learned many things from the wisdom and generosity of Maya Angelou. One lesson in particular is to believe someone when they show you who they are the first time.

Thank you Ms. Angelou!

"Te conozco bacalado si viene disfrutado"

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