Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missing In Action, lost in my own clutter

I have been absent for the past few days doing some much needed de-cluttering. I have not completed the process but what an improvement daily effort and discipline have made. Oprah consistently states that a cluttered environment is a reflection of our state of mind.

My greatest challenge was scanning of travel mementos, and documents. Then shredding or filing those documents, and placing mementos into scrap books. I backed up all of my computer files to an external hard drive. I finally got around to ordering an internal drive for my 17 inch HP which has been on the shelf for 11 months collecting dust.

This is embarrassing but i will admit to finding a $200 American Airlines voucher that expires in 90 days, 3 used underwater disposable cameras in need of development, a dozen unlabeled Cd's, cash, coins from around the world, and a joint. Along with that I have two AC chargers that I have no idea what they are intended for.

Beginning to place things into their proper places has been such a source of relief.

"The most important part of this simple practice is the leaving of empty space. This is not just about drawers and closets. Many of us live lives that are way too cluttered — with things, activities, obligations. We tend to fill everything up, including our calendars."

"We need openness in our lives, breathing space, unfilled time. These function as reminders of new possibilities, signalling that we have room to grow, and that we can indeed grow."

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