Friday, November 7, 2008

The Sin of Religion in American Politics

In the wake of this historic election that has filled me with immense joy I am troubled by the ugly side of religion in politics. During the campaign referring to President Elect Obama as a Muslim or an Arab was seen as disparaging and considered a slur.

There is nothing wrong with being either Muslim or an Arab. "So what" is the response that echoed in my own head. Why is such ignorance tolerated? What if Obama were a Muslim or an Arab "So the fuck what". Why did he have to be defended against such allegations as religion or ethnicity. I agree it was misinformation and should be corrected but the greater question needed to be asked, "so what". Hopefully we have learned that being Muslim is not synonymous with being an Arab, and neither characteristic should lead to an assumption of terrorism.

In three states the constituents voted to ban gay marriage. Isn't it a fundamental premise by "separation of Church and state" that we shall not legislate religious hatred and bigotry in our country. Each religious group has every right to not recognize, sanctify, or bless a same sex union. Feel free to condemn them to hell if you like, but no one should have the right to legislate them out of existence.

There is nothing sacred about legislating hatred and prejudice.

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