Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shoe Thrower Gathers Support

The Baghdad reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi, now famous for throwing his shoes at President Bush in an attempt to humilate him, is garnering support throughout the world. He yelled "This is your farewell kiss, you dog!" to Bush as he took aim at the President. Throughout the Arab world protestors have taken to the streets and airways demanding al-Zaidi's release.

His supporters are not limited to the Arab world. Bush is vilified throughout the modern world for his actions, policies and invasion of Iraq. In March of 2007 I was in Rio de Janiero when protesters threw rocks and bottles at his limo and demonstrated in the streets where ever he spoke. Riot police were the only thing that keep the protesters from their intended target.

The symbolism of throwing the shoes is now being lost as it has become a joke and ammunition for late night comedians. al-Zaidi's intent was to bring to the forefront the tens of thousands of Iraqis that have died in Bush's war.

I read a terrific article this morning, check it out: http://riverscrap.typepad.com/home/2008/12/iraqi-shoethrower-steals-limelight-from-suicide-bombers.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

al-Zaidi has a lot of balls to do that. I'm so proud of him. I was reading that this Egyptian man offered his daughter's hand in marriage to him because he was so proud of him - LOL! Handsome guy with a lot of guts, I don't blame them!