Saturday, October 25, 2008


Tonight D.L. Hughley launched his new new show on CNN, D.L. Hughley Breaks The News. I am very excited for D.L. who, like myself, is a self admitted news junkie.

I want to love this show and I will be tuning in to watch the progress. It is off to a somewhat uneven start, I enjoyed many of the sketches, while others I found lacking.

The high point of the show was D.L.'s interview with Scott McClellan, former Bush White house Spokesperson. The exchange was smart, funny and ended with McClellan's endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for president.

There was a segment tonight with CNN correspondents in China, Russia, and India. What awesome resources and potential. I am looking forward to next weeks show, in the meanwhile I need to get an email off to D.L. and his writers. Congratulations Mr. Hughley!

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