Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Film "Quarantine" actually should be quarantined

“Sir, Sir”, I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a bald man, standing upside down. “Sir, you need to wake up. You are snoring”. It was the usher leaning over the back of my seat as he stood in the row behind me. Oh my, I had fallen asleep; no I had deliberately gone to sleep. The sheer horror of what I saw on the screen was terrifying, the movie “Quarantine” still had not ended.

Quarantine a much anticipated horror movie was plainly horrific. The camera work was a rip off of Cloverfield; a far superior film. I safely assume the booing at the end of the film indicated my feelings were shared by the audience. I give it an “F” even thought I had a delightful, but brief nap.

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