Thursday, October 23, 2008

Senator Barck Obama - oil on canvas

Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, from the Democratic Principles Series. oil on canvas, 2006, by Elizabeth McClancy.

"It's the timidity--the smallness--of our politics that's holding us back right now; the idea that some problems are just too big to handle, and if you just ignore them, sooner or later, they'll go away. That if you give a speech where you rattle off statistics about the stock market being up..., no one will notice the single mom whose two jobs won't pay the bills or the student who can't aford his college dreams. That if you say the words 'plan for victory' and point to the number of schools painted...and cell phones used in Iraq, no one will notice the nearly 2,500* flag-draped coffins that have arrived at Dover Air Force Base. Well, it's time we finally said we notice, and we care, and we're not going to settle anymore." - Take Back America Conference, *June 14, 2006.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth McClancy has painted another remarkable new portrait of Obama that can be seen at
Also, prints of this one are available.