Monday, October 13, 2008

The National Debt Clock has run out of digits

The National Debt Clock in Times Square has run out of digits. It is no longer able to accurately reflect the massive debt incurred within the Bush administration. It will be replaced in 2009 and will be able to track debt up to a quadrillion dollars, which is a '1' followed by 15 zeros.

How tragic that we have mortgaged the future and it was not on education, rebuilding our infrastructure, health care, or fixing the medicare disaster that is looming before us. Trillions were squandered on war, massive bank deregulation leading to a bailout, tax loopholes for outsourcing, tax cuts for the wealthy, Blackwater, Haliburton, and the mismanagement of a record budget surplus.

Just to think that Americans are embracing Sarah Palin, she is a female George W. Bush. Perhaps she is not as dumb as Busch, she can read teleprompters and can memorize; she is much more dangerous considering the fiasco he is leaving behind. We can not afford to allow her near the seat of power, for I fear all will be lost. Can we not recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing, or dressed as a pit bull in lipstick. Wake up people!

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